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10 Inspiring Photos of Heroic Dogs Caught in the Act

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Rescue dog swimming in water

There are endless reasons to love dogs. Not only are they amazing companions, but countless canines put their safety on the line to help others. Today, we want to celebrate these dogs by sharing inspiring pics of heroic dogs caught in the act.

1. Zappi’s Incredible Deep Dive

Rescue dog jumping from helicopter

Zappi is an emergency canine unit dog serving the island of Sardinia in the Mediterranean Sea.

We couldn’t be more impressed with his epic leap into deep waters to assist in an emergency situation. Just looking at this drop makes us nervous, but Zappi doesn’t hesitate to help others in need.

Thank you to Zappi and the others in your canine units! We appreciate your dedication to saving others.

2. Ranger Takes Charge in a Search and Rescue Exercise

Dog searching for scent

We are so impressed with ranger_the_search_dog’s quick actions.

In less than 13 minutes, search and rescue dog Ranger found two individuals, three articles of clothing, and other clues to their whereabouts.

Ranger accomplished all of this over 40 acres of land.

We don’t know about you, but we’re certainly feeling much safer knowing that heroic dogs like Ranger are out there!

3. On-the-Go Rescuer

Search dog in training

This search and rescue dog has already located the victim and is now taking his handler there.

Just another example of a dog we’re glad to have on our side! Thanks for sharing this incredible shot k9_sar_silas_nico!

4. All Lives Matter - Big and Small

Dog rescues baby goat

This incredible photo shared by megtheegg19 showcases a girl and her dog hiking uphill in the snow to save two goats.

It’s safe to say that this mama goat and her baby appreciate these two heroes more than they’ll ever know!

A big thanks to these two heroes for taking the time to save these two from the harsh environment.

5. Lifeguard to the Rescue!

Water dog swimming to rescue person

A fantastic photo by ferrucciopilenga, who shares many incredible water rescue dogs on their Instagram account.

In this photo, we see an incredible rescue in action by one of their lifeguard rescue dogs.

6. A Guide Dog’s Loving Dedication

Guide dog award

This photo from the Guide Dog Foundation shows a beautiful scene with a German Shepherd guide dog standing by his master during his speech.

We certainly appreciate the kind, heroic dedication that so many guide dogs give to others.

7. A 9/11 Hero Taking a Well Deserved Break between Searches

Rescue dog napping in boat

Bretague is the last known surviving rescue dog from the horrific 9/11 tragedy.

In between rescues, she takes a break to sleep and be examined by veterinarians before returning to search for survivors. Her ability to sniff and trace odors saved countless lives that day.

Without her and other rescue dogs, many more would have perished. Thank you theselvedgeyard, for sharing this eye-opening photo.

8. Sergeant Stubby’s Service

War hero dog

Described as either a Boston Terrier or American Bull Terrier, Sergeant Stubby was a well-decorated hero in World War I.

He single handedly caught a German spy and saved many American soldiers’ lives when he alerted them to a gas attack early in the morning.

Stubby accomplished this by barking wildly and even biting several soldiers while they slept until they realized something was amiss. Because of his actions, no soldiers died as a result of the gas attack.

He was decorated with many awards and even became a celebrity after the war due to his valiant efforts. Thank you @themattcameron for sharing this incredible photo honoring this heroic dog.

9. Water Rescue Dog Jumps Right In

Rescue dog jumping into water

Check out this beautiful shot of a rescue dog mid-air as he leaps into the water to save another.

We are definitely grateful for these brave, courageous dogs who dive in without hesitation to save others. A big thanks to ferrucciopilenga for sharing this stunning shot!

10. Teamwork Makes All The Difference

Search dog training

We can see why so many people liked this incredible photo that searchonerescueteam shared.

In it, we see a dynamic duo: one search and rescue dog and her handler beginning their search. Neither of them could accomplish their mission without the other, making this a great reminder of the power of teamwork.

Thank you to both the heroic dogs and their handlers who risk their wellbeing to save others!

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