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Auburn Veterinary Hospital Inc P S

Auburn Veterinary Hospital Inc P SAppointment Info & How To Save

Auburn Veterinary Hospital Inc P S is a veterinary office

Call To Make An Appointment
A vet from Auburn Veterinary Hospital Inc P S keeping your pet healthy and happy
Get reimbursed up to 90% of your vet bill.
Before your next appointment, learn how pet insurance can reduce vet costs.

About Auburn Veterinary Hospital Inc P S

(253) 833-4510
718 Auburn Way N, Auburn WA 98002
Specialties: Small Animals

Monday - 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Tuesday - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Wednesday - 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Thursday - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday - 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Saturday - 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Sunday - Closed

Services Offered



Performs dental work, which may include cleaning or surgery.


Performs spay/neuter services, also known as “fixing”, to prevent breeding.


Performs surgical procedures. Call to confirm eligible surgeries. Learn more.


Offers boarding, which may refer to hospitalization.


Offers pet grooming services.

General X-Ray

Offers x-rays (digital radiography) to examine your pet’s body systems.


Offers vaccinations for immunity to rabies, parvovirus, etc.

How To Save Money at Auburn Veterinary Hospital Inc P S

Pet Insurance

Veterinarian holding puppy
Like all veterinarians, Auburn Veterinary Hospital Inc P S accepts pet insurance for unexpected accidents & illnesses. Find the best pet insurance in Washington. Important: because pet insurance will not cover pre-existing conditions, it's important to get your pet insured while they're still healthy.
Get Pet Insurance

Wellness Plans

In addition to insuring against accidents & illnesses, some insurance providers offer routing care add-ons, or "wellness plans" that help you afford the cost of your pets routine health expenses.
Consider Wellness Plans

Treatment Financing

Financing Solutions
Having pet insurance is the best way to avoid unexpected medical costs, but if you have expenses for existing medical conditions and need help financing the cost, ask your vet if they accept financing solutions like CareCredit and Scratchpay. These payment options will help you space out your payments over time, so you can afford any large unexpected upfront costs.
Save time and money by shopping for your pet's medication online
Auburn Veterinary Hospital Inc P S has partnered with Vets First Choice to offer the medications, food, and other products your pet needs.

Save on veterinary costs in Auburn and enjoy peace of mind with pet insurance.

With the right pet insurance, you can get reimbursed up to 90% on unexpected vet costs at Auburn Veterinary Hospital Inc P S - like accidents and illnesses.

How do you know which pet insurance is best? Pawlicy Advisor's free marketplace will help you compare personalized quotes from top providers side-by-side.

Learn more about the cost of vet visits and pet care in Auburn, WA
A vet from Auburn Veterinary Hospital Inc P S helping a client learn more about pet insurance

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