Pet Care Blog

10 Hilariously Hard-Working Dogs on the Job (Photos)

Kaelee Nelson
Senior Content Manager - Pawlicy Advisor
dog at work

Certain days are just harder than others — harder to focus, harder to motivate yourself, harder to work efficiently... you know how it goes.

Sometimes, all we need is a little inspiration (and a good laugh)! Here’s a look at 10 funny photos of dogs working hard at their job to help get you through your day.

Just look at these good boys and girls hard at work!

dispatcher dog

1. 911 Dispatcher is Ready to Take Your Call

Dispatchers have incredibly hard jobs that require very important work to keep people safe — but we couldn't help but smile at seeing this silly photo of a K-9 police dog standing by, waiting to lend a hand on his next call.

He’s poised and ready to help anyone in need. We don’t know about you, but seeing his calm expression in the face of danger makes us feel worlds better!

Thanks lifewithk9loki for sharing this great shot!

archie dog

2. Archie is Ready to Write Up A Storm!

Archie.thebasset is on assignment writing about the latest treat and toy releases. We wouldn’t dare get in his way!

It’s clear that Archie takes his work very seriously. Good for you, Archiekins!

baking dog

3. Baking with Fergus

Fergusgroodle spent all day baking in the kitchen and is now prepared to share. We must say that these biscuits look pawsitively delightful!

It’s about time we get into the kitchen to bake with Fergus - we’d be happy to pick up some tips from this baking pro.

mechanic dog

4. Canine Mechanic, At Your Service!

This pup just landed their dream job as a pupchanic! We can’t wait to see what kind of things this doggo is able to fix up.

It’s clear from their serious expression that they’re taking this new position very seriously.

Congratulations sugeknightcorso on your new line of work!

designer dog

5. Miss Winnie The Designer

We’re guessing from this beautifully minimalistic background that Miss Winnie has quite the clientele.

Just look at the way she’s placed everything just so! We don’t know about you, but we’d definitely hire her to give our homes a makeover.

Thanks for sharing this photo of your precious Golden Retriever lindseykayco!

fire dog

6. All Hail The Fire Captain!

This photo by thek9gram is simply striking! Look how prepared this doggo is.

They’re getting ready to start a long, hard day of saving others. Not only is this puppy a hardworking firefighter, but a fire captain at that.

Thanks for your excellent work pupper!

field dog

7. Labs Take The Fields On

These luvablelabs are ready to plow through the fields and get down to farming. Their cute bandanas totally complete this look too!

We wonder what they’ve planted - carrots? apples? beets?

Whatever crop they’ve chosen, we hope they’re getting a generous cut.

blogger dog

8. Izzy Is On It!

Izzy, the Golden Doodle, is on the job. We can’t help but think that she must have quite the Insta following - perhaps a YouTube channel to share all her beauty secrets?

We’d definitely take some beauty tips from this sweet, posh pup. I mean - just look at that perfectly styled hair.

We love this pic izzyinadmo. Thanks for sharing!

call dog

9. On-Call Canine

This pup looks a little tired. We can only imagine how he must feel after fielding calls all day long.

Keep your chin up buddy! You’re doing a great job.

Thanks for sharing this pawsome photo emuliciousdeluxe!

workout dog

10. Dog-a Instructor is Calling You Out!

This little guy isn’t afraid to tell anyone that they aren’t pushing themselves hard enough.

If you sign up for vizsla_terra’s class, we strongly encourage you to bring your A-game. It doesn’t look like she’ll let you slide by doing the bare minimum.

Terra is there to help you get your best workout in for sure!

If these photos made you smile, we hope you’ll share them with your fur-loving friends!

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Kaelee Nelson

Kaelee Nelson
Senior Content Manager - Pawlicy Advisor

Kaelee Nelson is a die-hard dog mom, part-time dog trainer, and ultimate pet enthusiast. She recently rescued a puppy named Zoey who went from the streets of Mexico to the big lights in L.A. after Kaelee helped her become officially studio-trained for production work, with the goal of strengthen her dog's confidence as well as the bond they share. Kaelee remains passionate about pets in her role as Content Marketing Manager by helping owners prepare for the financial burden that often comes with giving our furry BFFs the best care possible. Enrolling Zoey in a pet insurance policy was a no-brainer for Kaelee, as it enabled her to get reimbursed for vet costs like spaying, vaccinations, routine care, and more.

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