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10 Photos of Cats Being Household Heroes

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Orange long-haired house cat resting on post

Many of our cats have protected us from bugs, mice, and the ongoing threat of the mailman. Today, we want to give some shoutouts to some brave kitties on Instagram who are diligently protecting their households.

Let’s take a look at some heroic cats that saved their family from one threat or another.

1. Reptiles Beware!

Cat with lizard in mouth

This heroic cat saved their owner from the terrifying threat of a baby lizard.

Just look at how calm this cat stayed in the face of danger! We wish we felt that calm dealing with everyday adulting.

Thanks to kitty_kat_krunch for sharing this great photo of an everyday hero.

2. These Two Are Watching Each Others’ Back

Cats at screen door

We simply adore this photo of Ziggy and Zelda from ziggyandzeldacat.

These two are watching out for anything suspicious outside while watching each others’ backs.

Talk about the ultimate tag team! Their meowmy can’t help but feel safe with these two watching over her.

3. Spiders Begone!

Siamese cat gazing up

This handsome guy could not only be on the cover of the next Cat Fancy with those good looks, but he bravely saved his family from a spider.

According to his pet parent, madelaineblundell, Phil regularly protects them from moths, spiders, and flies. A true natural when it comes to being brave and beautiful.

4. Move Over Service Dogs

Service cat Oakley

With Oakley the service cat out there, it’s hard not to admire the heroic actions so many cats perform for others. We feel safer just looking at Oakley’s focused and kind face.

Thank you to iamoakleyy for sharing this great photo of Oakley watching over his pet parent from above.

5. Tigers Come In All Shapes and Sizes

Cat staring out window

While he doesn’t have the traditional look of a Tiger, this cat has the fierce protectiveness of his distant relatives, making the name “Tiger” well-suited.

As the star of the.realtigerking’s Instagram page, Tiger works day and night to patrol and keep an eye on any stranger passing by.

6. You’re Safe As Long As I’m Around

Barn cat with a mouse in mouth

This barn cat takes his job very seriously. Just take a look at those intense eyes!

We’d feel much safer with this fierce cat on the prowl. Unfortunately, intruders don’t stand much of a chance!

Thanks to melirockhold for sharing this great snap!

7. Suki Won’t Let You Lay A Finger On Her Baby

Cat sitting baby playing with bubbles

This cutie, Izzie, must feel very safe with such a loving, protective kitty looking over her. This purrfect photo highlights Suki’s protectiveness over her best friend and “baby.”

We wouldn’t want to get too close to Izzie without Suki’s permission! Coolbabymama must be very proud to have such a lovely child and protective kitty. What a team!

8. Freddy Boy Did It Again!

Orange pet cat

Freddy boy is looking rather proud of his latest catch.

We doubt this mouse had much of a chance against this agile, heroic kitty.

We simply love this photo by oxenlowe, highlighting how protective our cats are of their territory and homes.

While we cat parents may not love the “presents” our cats bring us, we appreciate their dedication to protect us and our homes.

It makes us rethink all those “presents” from our cats over the years.

9. A Service Animal In Training

Service pet cat in training

This proud kitty, Pekoe, is training to become a service animal. Kudos to you Pekoe!

Nothing is more selfless and heroic than dedicating yourself to serving others.

Your service to others is heroic and we’re proud of you. Thank you to pekoe_and_friends for sharing Pekoe and their friends’ service animal journeys.

10. I’m Always Watching You

Cat gazing out glass window

Coco is on it as they watch a moth through the glass. Cocosauraus or “Coco” is a rescued, abandoned cat that now spends her days protecting the family home.

So rest assured that no matter how small or big a threat is, your cat is on it!

We hope you enjoyed this fun list of cats being the hero every household needs! It’s making us view the “everyday” house cat in a whole new light.

Thank you to all the fantastic cats out there protecting your homes - we see you! Don’t forget to share this with a fellow cat-lover. You’ll be sure to make their day a little more pawfect.

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