This is the amount of money you'll need to pay out-of-pocket annually before the insurance company will start covering your pet's medical bills.
This is the amount of money you'll need to pay out-of-pocket annually before the insurance company will start covering your pet's medical bills.
This is the percentage of the total medical expense that the insurance company will reimburse after you meet your deductible.
This is the max amount an insurance company will pay out after your deductible is met.
Pet insurance covers treatment by a licensed veterinarian—meaning it works at any veterinary office—and policyholders typically pay up front for a procedure and get reimbursed for a portion of the cost of care.
The average yearly price for dogs is $56.30/month.
The average yearly price for cats is $31.94/month.
Covers fractures, cuts, diseases, infections, prescriptions (not food!), surgery, hospitalization, tooth extractions, labor fees for covered conditions.
Typically a two-week waiting period.
Covers surgery, hospitalization, wounds, not infections, illnesses, or diseases.